Battle of Stalingrad

Gotha229 antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #14197
Ich finde die Farbgebung zwar nicht besonders realistisch, aber es hat irgendwie was. Das Bild sieht in meinen Augen wie ein gemaltes Bild aus, wie man's von den Revell-Packungen kennt. Z.T. gibt es in heutigen Spielen ja auch nen Farbfilter, wie z.B. in Red Orchestra 2, welche das ganze auch in nem anderen Farbton erscheinen lassen (z.B. Schwarz-Weiß, Sepia, historischer Film oder so). Als eine solche Option fände ich die Farbgebung in dem Screenshot für's Spiel ne gute Alternative. Würde gerade für Screenshots oder Videos gut aussehen.
Last Edit:9 Jahre 2 Monate her von Gotha229
Letzte Änderung: 9 Jahre 2 Monate her von Gotha229.

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sKylon antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #14199

ZG2_Panzerbar schrieb: Mates:

zeus said, that this screenshot is only pre-pre-pre-WiP.

-lights are from "winter" map
-clouds have "blue shine", because of winter
-options of terrain surface (ground, grass, snow e.t.c) is from winter map (so, only snow and ice are modelled)

The only thing what happened - he just changes tile texture of terain surface from white to greens and yellows.

When summer and autumn maps will be in real progressive WiP, picture would drastically change.

von sKylon

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Gotha229 antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #14200
Hab ich schon gelesen, und finde die Farbgebung trotzdem interessant ;)
von Gotha229

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sKylon antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #14201

Gotha229 schrieb: Hab ich schon gelesen, und finde die Farbgebung trotzdem interessant ;)

Sorry, hab ich dann falsch verstanden.
von sKylon

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Widukind antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #14393
Patch 1.0.10 wurde heute veröffentlicht

Dear pilots!

We present to you this new major game update. Some things have been fixed, others are going to be introduced for the first time. Well, meet the 1.010!

Aircraft FM/DM/AI:

1. The issue that caused He 111 to hop up when its wheel is shot off was fixed;
2. Extreme nosing over in case of heavy tail hit on Pe-2 was fixed;
3. He 111 tailwheel fixed;
4. Pilots and gunners vitality decreased (now it takes 2-3 not slowed by an armor 7.62 bullets to kill them);
5. Rudder counter forces at high speed were reduced on Fw 190 according to the reference;
6. Taxiing on Fw 190 improved (landing gear settings tweaked to make turning at low speeds with released tail wheel manageable);
7. Fixed the speed that pushes pilot’s head back into the cockpit. It starts to push on 300 km/h and completely returns the head back inside on 500km/h;
8. It still remains possible to do a small sneak peek even on high speeds;
9. The airflow is now pushing pilot’s head back into the cockpit according to IAS, not TAS;
10. Speed is now correctly shown on He 111 gauges;
11. Prop feathering levers on He 111 now works correctly;
12. The issue that made it impossible for AI to control the plane after any manual stabilizer changes was fixed;
13. AI pilot on Fw 190 was fixed;
14. Landing skill of Bf 109 AI pilots was improved;
15. Bombing skill of Bf 109 AI pilots was improved;
16. AI fighter pilots can sustain heavier overload during dogfight;
17. AI bombers and attack planes won't attempt to dogfight in Duel missions, they perform evasive maneuvers and rely on their turrets;
18. AI gunners open fire at ground targets at a longer range;

Graphics and misc:

19. The mixture control lever on IL-2 was fixed;
20. The tiled texture near the fixed gun on Pe-2 was fixed;
21. Several typos in signatures in He 111 were fixed;
22. Trimmer indicator on He 111 shows correct value when trimmer is reset;
23. The telltales (external gear indicators) should now disappear when the wing is cut off;
24. Gunsight illumination regulator on Yak-1 won't move when you switch cabin light on or off;
25. The Ju 87 cockpit glass should be disappearing correctly when it’s shot off;
26. The issue that caused an averagely damaged Yak-1 to loose canopy glass was fixed;
27. Friendly aircraft that cover your flight in campaign start on correct course;
28. The trees that blocked takeoff for heavily loaded planes on the Pichuga airfield were removed;
29. Trees the heavy loaded planes could crash into are removed near Peskovatka airfield;
30. Trees the heavy loaded planes could crash into are removed near Lapino airfield;
31. Tanks near Pitomnik are positioned correctly (previously they could end up on ice);
32. Stalingrad building templates are saved with correct path;
33. The visuals of river banks were improved;
34. Airfields are now more easily distinguishable on the terrain;
35. The sound of fire on the second engine was fixed for the corresponding planes;
36. Train flatbeds were added to the stats;
37. AA guns placed on the trains are now correctly being counted for the stats;
38. Objects that carry no tactical value were removed from the stats (half destroyed objects, aircraft shelters, etc.);
39. Objects on Novosokolniki and Velikie Luki maps were added to stats;


40. Flash objects and images can be used in custom missions via mission editor;
41. It is now possible to see your route and all the events that happened during a Campaign mission in the debriefing;
42. Ground object kills are shown in in-game chat;
43. AI unit kills are shown in in-game chat;
44. In-game chat shows exact object type which was killed and which made a kill;
45. Microstutters on multiplayer servers with big amount of players were fixed;
46. Convergence and bomb fuzes are now working properly in Campaign and Quick Mission;
47. The error that used to show up when trying to respawn during a death penalty has been fixed;
48. The issue with multiplayer that caused a plane to spawn but kept the lobby screen showing the endless clock counter, was solved.
49. Death penalty timer was fixed;
50. Finishing flight is only possible after landing on Expert difficulty (and can be set on Custom difficulty).
51. Server preset is now shown correctly in the server list after finishing flight;
52. Access to the 9th skin for Fw 190 was fixed;
53. This list of single missions only shows the missions of proper kind (single missions);
54. Missions that require a plane unavailable to a player will not be available to a player;
55. Plane setups are now saved for the next respawn on that plane in multiplayer. A setup is stored until the user leaves the server or clicks the corresponding button in the GUI;
56. A multiplayer mission should now be checking availability of unlocks required by the mission scenario, this doesn’t involve the plane setup dialog screen.


57. An option to edit missions using a topographic map is now available in Mission editor;
58. Add by Dialog option was added to the train’s Advanced properties;
59. Advanced Properties dialog in the Mission editor was reworked to make it better visible on wide screens;
60. Camera resets to default position after changing the map in the editor;
61. Ok and Cancel buttons were added to the localization switch dialog in Mission editor;
62. .List files are now saved differently to TRA_Media(Flash). It should now save all the files that are stored in the corresponding folder along with the .sfw or .gfx files;
63. An option to set server configuration via .sds file was added;
64. Ping filter should be now working properly in dserver settings;

65. DServer Remote Console settings are stored in SDS file and can be adjusted using DServer Manage SDS feature.
von Widukind

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sKylon antwortete auf Battle of Stalingrad

Posted 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #14402
Naja, ich wär bereit für gemeinsame Testflüge.
von sKylon

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